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This is issued to persons who by nature of their business or circumstances need to make frequent visits to Kenya. This visa lasts for 1 year.


The attention of all applicants for visas should be drawn to immigration requirements set out below:

  • This visa can only be issued at the immigration offices. It CANNOT be issued at ports of entry, e.g. airport.
  • Valid passports or other travel documents including Seaman’s Discharge Book, acceptable to the Government of Kenya are required for all persons wishing to enter Kenya.
  • Passports must be valid for at least Six (6) Months.
  • Passports must have a clean and a full visa page for endorsement.
  • You must have entered Kenya at least 3 times in order to be eligible for the MJV
  • It is only for those who will be frequently traveling to Kenya and will not be remaining in the country for longer than 2-3 months.
  • This visa is only for those doing short consultancy work/short business trips/ short trainings. If you are formally employed/ contracted, your activities will include actual work or you are more than likely to “sit” in an office/ have duties assigned to you from the offices in Kenya, you are NOT eligible for this visa. You must either apply for a Special Pass or a Class D Permit.
  • Applicants using the second method of application below must have a local connection in Kenya (in other words the applicant must be a consultant for a registered company in Kenya – those coming for marketing purposes not linked to a local company are not eligible for the MJV); the Kenyan company must be registered and must have an official P.O.Box and local phone number.
  • Applicants from countries that are NOT required to pay for a tourist/single entry visa into Kenya, e.g. Uganda, are NOT eligible to apply for a Multi – Journey Visa.
  • The USD bills must be from the year 2006 or later. Bills earlier than 2006, e.g. 2004, will not be accepted
  • You MUST be present in Kenya when making the MJV application
  • Those residing on MJV’s will not be eligible to apply for Permanent Residence or Citizenship.



  • Authorization Letter for KenyaLink Facilitators Limited if you will use our services (contact us for a draft letter)
  • Two (2)visa application forms 22 to be duly filled, signed and dated. Click the following link to download form: gaining a Kenyan visa-form 22 revised 2012
  • Two (2)passport size photographs of the applicant (not older than 6 months, must be taken full face without hat, and the photographs must not be mounted. The size of the face must not be more than 2 ½ inches by 2 inches or less than 2 inches by 1 ½ inches. The photographs must be printed on normal thin photographic paper and must not be glazed).
  • Two (2)copies of a Cover letter from the applicant detailing the need for an MJV – as the visa lasts for 1 year, your reason has to be solid. The letter needs to be addressed to THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION SERVICES, Nyayo House, Nairobi, KENYA. The letter head must include a Kenyan physical address, a Kenyan P.O.BOX and a Kenyan phone number.
  • Two (2)Copies of previous entry/visitor visas.
  • Applicants applying for multiple journey Visa’s to visit their spouses/partners should avail in addition to the above, the following: –
  • Two (2)copies of their spouse/partner’s National identity Card if Kenyan
  • Two (2)copies of the Residential/Work permit if spouse/partner is a foreigner
  • Two (2)copies of marriage certificate or in the case of a partner, two letters from the permit holder stating that he/she is a legal permit holder in Kenya and will therefore be requesting for frequent visits from his/her partner who lives outside of Kenya.
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support spouse/partner visit (bank statements)
  • Parents applying for Multiple journey Visa’s to Kenya to visit their children in schools should avail two (2)copies of valid pupil’s passes and copies of Valid residential permits in their countries of residence
  • Processing fee is USD 10 (this will be paid in cash (USD currency) when submitting document)
  • Fee is USD 100 (this will be paid in cash (USD currency) when submitting document)



  • Authorization Letter for KenyaLink Facilitators Limited if you will use our services (contact us for a draft letter)
  • Two (2)visa application forms 22 to be duly filled, signed and dated. Click the following link to download form: gaining a kenyan visa-form 22 revised 2012
  • Two (2)passport size photographs of the applicant (not older than 6 months, must be taken full face without hat, and the photographs must not be mounted. The size of the face must not be more than 2 ½ inches by 2 inches or less than 2 inches by 1 ½ inches. The photographs must be printed on normal thin photographic paper and must not be glazed).
  • Two (2)Copies of previous Kenya visas as well as copies of passport
  • You must be on a valid Kenya visa during application
  • Two (2)copies of a cover letter bearing the company/organization’s letterheads (two copies for the foreign company and two copies for the company based here in Kenya). The letter needs to be addressed to THE DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION SERVICES, Nyayo House, Nairobi, KENYA.The letterhead for the organization here in Kenya must include a physical and postal Kenyan address including Kenyan phone number.
  • The letter should specify the reason for applicant’s frequent visits
  • The letter should show connection between applicant and the company/organization
  • The letter should have the name and signature of the person countersigning it (2 signatures from the organization is required).
  • Two (2)copies of Registration Certificate (Certificate of Incorporation) of the organization you are working for/ with (two (2) for the foreign country and two (2) for the company based here in Kenya)
  • Two (2)copies of applicant’s resident permit if not residing in their country of nationality
  • Processing fee is USD 10 (this will be paid in cash (USD currency) when submitting document)
  • Fee is USD 100 (this will be paid in cash (USD currency) after your MJV is approved)

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